Who are we?
Kei raro i te maunga kaitiaki a Matairangi.
Kei te taha e rere ana te moana o Raukawa.
Kei Te Motu Kairangi mātou e tū ana.
Kei te whare kohungahunga o Miramar Childcare ahau e kuraina ana.
Miramar childcare is a small early childhood centre in Te Motu Kairangi, Te Whanganui a Tara.
With a maximum of 28 tamariki a day in a welcoming and cosy house with a back yard, our vege gardens, our bamboo forest, our hobbit house, our art space, healthy hot cooked meals, and indoor-outdoor flow – this really is a home away from home.
Our tamariki learn together in a tuakana teina inspired mixed age philosophy. Our child-led curriculum encourages our tamariki to be confident and curious learners.
Our kaiako are passionate, professional, and committed to making Miramar Childcare a wonderful and welcoming space for you, your child, and your greater whānau.
As an Enviroschool we are passionate about caring for our environment and encompass this into our daily lifestyle. Our tamariki are engaged in forest sessions, vegetable gardening, gardening, recycling, and community tidy ups.